My, often self-initiated, projects have a documentary approach and are research-based. This entails using my own as well as existing material, visiting and searching visual and historical archives and databases. I employ a multi-disciplinary approach, utilizing photography, video and text in various forms to conduct in-depth research on subjects that are often polarizing, generating significant public discourse, controversy and debate. My main area of interest lies in examining the usage, lack or inaccessibility of image(s) and/ or information, related to these subjects. I am particularly intrigued by the role that photographic material plays in shaping knowledge, assumptions and prejudices.

Through my work, I enable my audience to discover, reconsider and explore different perspectives on my subjects. The visual and textual narratives within my work activate a sense of missing or incompletion of information, a dissatisfaction that there often is no one way which opens to examining and visual wander in concerned subjects. This allows my work to become a negotiation with reality and truth, questioning different perspectives on one subject. The subjects I’m interested in are often presented in a somewhat one-dimensional way in the media. My work manifests a more layered way of examining moral foundations behind the debates of media representation.

Due to my German background, right-wing extremism and the formation of individual and group identity are recurring subjects. In recent years food and environmentalism have shifted from a private interest to becoming subjects in my individual work as well as within collaborations.

Besides working in my autonomous projects, I have been collaborating with Carina Hesper on Foundation Toffe Peren, I sometimes do assignments and very much enjoy working as a mentor. I have worked as a (guest)teacher, second reader, examiner, internship supervisor and assessor and I'm currently available for freelance/ part-time assignments as a tutor.
I very much enjoy supporting students in finding the causes they care about and their unique artistic voice.

I’m available for teaching engagements, workshops, and collaborations.

On this site you can find my autonomous projects as well as commissioned works. My practice is dual in nature, focusing on right-wing extremism, food and environmental concerns.
You can see these interests intertwine throughout my practice in a variety of ways. What connects all of the many ways in which I work is an ever lasting curiosity about photography and the countless approaches in which it can be used and looked at.
Besides my work as a visual artist I regularly work as a teacher.

And besides all of the above I’m very passionate about animals, (trail)running and the environment ♥

The choices I make in my personal as well as my professional life always stem from an attempt to be careful and considerate with the resources we have as humans and concerning the planet.